Frames come in a variety colours, finished, widths and depths, there are may types of frames available to suit your framing needs. Your selection of a frame should enhance you image. Frames can be attained in a variety of martials as well, such as wood or metal.
Mats come in a variety of colours, textures and sizes we have may types of mats to suit your needs. Mats can be combined to give you beautiful designs, mats can be custom cut to your specifications. Many, many designs can be incorporated in the mats, such as v groves, open v groves and shadow matts (just to mention a few). Mats come in a variety of materials (paper, Suede, silk and other fabrics). The core of a mat can be a different colour then the mat it self. Wen attaining a mat you should consider the PH balance of a mat. Mats raise the glass from the art, this prevents condensation from gathering and prevents your art or certificate from sticking to the glass.